Photos / Fotos:
- Member Photos
- Official Photos – Saturday, 5 April 2014
- Official Photos – Monday, 7 April 2014
- Official Photos – Tuesday, 8 April 2014
- Official Photos – Wednesday, 9 April 2014
- Official Photos – Thursday, 10 April 2014
Show Results / Skou Uitslae:
- Halter Trained Results / Haltermak Uitslae
- Non-Halter Trained Results / Nie-Haltermak Uitslae
- Highest Points / Hoogste Punte
Sale Results / Veiling Uitslae (8 April 2014):
Animals / Diere | Sold / Verkoop | Average / Gemiddeld | Highest / Hoogste |
Bulls / Bulle | 13 / 14 | R 97 320 | R 220 000 |
Cow & Calf / Koei & Kalf | 7 / 7 | R 49 158 | R 80 000 |
Cows / Koeie | 3 / 5 | R 82 667 | R 100 000 |
Heifers / Verse | 13 14 | R 48 609 | R 110 000 |
Semen | 180 / 181 | R 1 291 | R 4 200 |
Heifer Sale Results / Vers Veiling Uitslae (10 April 2014):
Animals / Diere | Sold / Verkoop | Average / Gemiddeld | Highest / Hoogste |
Heifers / Verse | 16 / 21 | R 25 055 | R 42 000 |
Reports / Verslae:
- Brahman Wêreld Kongres Finale Verslag
- ABBA Post World Brahman Congress Tour to Gauteng, Limpopo and Mpumalanga
- International Brahman Breed Improvement Forum meeting
- Jim Pola Report
- Jim Pola Report – Outstanding South African Studs
- Brahman News Article (Only available in Spanish)
Presentations / Voorleggings:
- Genetic improvement: Benefits for commercial producers – Dr Michael Bradfield – Breedplan SA
- The potential of agriculture in Africa and the effect of it on beef production – Ernst Janovsky
- The American Brahman: Crossbreedings Common Denominator – Joe C. Paschal
- Australian Presentation World Brahman Congress – Shane Bishop, President ABBA
- Heat tolerance in zebu cattle – Connie McManus
- Using science to improve fertility in Bos Indicus cattle – F.W.C. Neser
- ABC’s of Genomically Enhanced Breeding Values – Michael MacNeil, PhD
- Genetic improvement of Brahman in Southern Africa – Prof Norman Maiwashe (PhD, Pri Sci Nat)
Letters / Briewe:
- Yvette de Marillac
- Frans Arnoldi
- KwaZulu Natal Brahman Club
- KwaZulu Natal Brahman Club – Personeel
- Telwiedre Voere
- Charmainé Alberts Design & Marketing
I just wanted to thank you for the invitation to attend and speak at the 2014 World Brahman Congress. I hope I did it justice after listening to the other speakers from South Africa and around the world. I was very impressed with everyone’s presentation and took quite a bit of notes that along with the presentations posted on the association’s website have added significantly to my knowledge about the breed and of course South Africa.
Your hospitality was outstanding and I felt at home at once! Not only was the Congress a tremendous success but the Brahman Sale and Show were the highlight of the following days! I truly enjoyed visiting with the South African breeders in their stalls and looking at some of the highest quality Brahman cattle I have ever seen anywhere!
The entertainment and meals were fantastic as well and I appreciate all that was done for me personally as well as our contingent from the US. The tour arranged by Hestie and guided by Anieta and driven by Paul was the best I have ever been on! The 3000 km visit of Brahman breeders was an truly out of this world. I was very impressed with the genetics and the hospitality and I am so glad I decided to stay and see them! Truly great cattle and greater people!
I know I am a bit late in writing this note to you but since my visit to your lovely country (second in my heart to my own!) I have been to Brazil and Costa Rica for other meetings and conferences, not truly an excuse but still we have been busy.
If I can ever be of service or assistance, please do not hesitate to ask.
Hello Hestie,
We just wanted to thank you for everything you did to make our time in South Africa so enjoyable. It was a pleasure to meet you and your husband. We had a wonderful time at the World Brahman Congress and the post-Congress tour was awesome! Anita was a great tour guide, Paul was very nice and each ranch visit was a pleasure. Our experiences at Entabeni and Kapama were absolutely great and we have memories that will last us a lifetime. Thank you again so much. If you are in the States, we would love to have you as our guest in Arkansas.
Take care,
Ricky & Myra Hughes
Dearest Hestie,
Just wanted to THANK YOU so very much for a wonderful Congress/Vacation!!
Jess Brown here from Mississippi, USA. I had an AWESOME time and experience in South Africa and I believe it is mostly due to your efforts!! From the congress itself to the pre-tour at Mr. Bernie’s place to the Post-Congress tours! I enjoyed every aspect…even though I got really sick the first night at Kapama and missed out on a whole day’s worth of activities…Thank the Lord above, we were there for 2 nights and did not have to drive and ride or fly home that morning!!! Each tour and farm visit was a great experience. Although rushed for time and exhausting it was nice to get to see as much as we did! Please give Aneita and our driver Paul a big THANK YOU….they were GREAT!
Each moment was special…but the most notable was an unexpected surprise by going to Mr. Bernie’s place to find out he has some of the Old Mayronne cattle genetics from Louisiana. We at Horse Stomp Ranch have the last few genetics left in the States of the Mayronne Cattle and have been trying to breed them back as best we can “with just pieces of the puzzle”. WOW the power of networking and meeting folks!!
Thanks again for an AWESOME South African experience and May God Bless You All,
Keep in touch,
Jess Brown
P.S. Tell Maria it was a pleasure to go all the way to South Africa to meet such a nice young lady from Minnesota!
I hope you have rested up and gotten caught up from the past year of promoting the Congress and facilitating it. I thought you had a great event! Congratulations.
We had a really nice rest of the time. We left from Parys and went to Gaborone, Botswana and spent the night on Friday. Monty had his field day/opening of his centre on Saturday where we gave presentations on the American Brahman and took in his day. We then left on Sunday for 4 days in 2 different camps looking at animals and relaxing. It turned out to be a really nice trip.
In regards to things in Botswana, I do think there is a lot of potential however, I don’t see much movement. A lot of talk and not much action. This happens a lot around the world. I think Monty has some potential in what he’s doing but he’s going to have to get some buy in from the locals. I think time will tell. I don’t see that we will gain much from this.
I will be awaiting the photos and papers.
Again, you did an outstanding job on this Congress.
I do plan to come back next year and see you and hopefully get a buck or something.
Thanks for your efforts and your friendship and send my regards to the rest of your family.
Aan die Personeel van die Brahman Beestelersgenootskap van Suid Afrika
Geagte Dames,
Die Raad van die Namibiese Brahmantelersgenootskap wil graag sy dank uitspreek vir al u insette tydens en voor die wêreldkongres.
Ons is seker dat u baie ekstra ure moes werk!
Nogmaals baie dankie.
Heilwig Andreae-Voigts
Namens die NBBS Raad
Die President en Raadslede – Brahman Beestelersgenootskap van Suid Afrika
Geagte Meneer Labuschagne,
Die Namibiese Brahman Telersgenootskap spreek sy dank uit vir `n goed georganiseerde wêreldkongres. Alles het baie goed verloop. Die toesprake by die tegniese konferens was baie interessant en mooi diere is vertoon.
Nogmaals baie dankie vir al u insette.
H. Andreae-Voigts
Namens dieRaad van die Namibiese Brahmantelersgenootskap
Die Brahman Wêreldkongres met al sy aktiwiteite lê nou al `n maand terug. Ons het intussen genoeg tyd gehad om oor hierdie wonderlike geleentheid weer te besin. Ons het ook baie positiewe terugvoering gegee oor al die gebeure tydens ons onlangse telersdag op 29 April. Ons wil julle gelukwens met `n baie goed georganiseerde wêreldkongres, insluitend
- ‘n uitstekende konferensieprogram met uitstaande internasionale sprekers en goeie wetenskaplik gefundeerde inligting
- ‘n puik beoordelingspram ook met nie-haltermak diere
- twee goeie veilings van stoetdiere
- ‘n gesellige atmosfeer met goeie partytjiemusiek in die aande
- die geleentheid om die eerste Internationale Brahman Rasbevorderings Forum te stig wat nuwe stukrag aan `n wetenskaplike benadering tot Brahmanteling wêreldwyd sal gee
- goeie etes vir honderde kongresdeelnemers elke aand
- goeie versorging van honderde touleiers met drie etes per dag
- ‘n kantoorpersoneel wat hard agter die skerms gewerk het om `n sukses van hierdie geleentheid te maak
Ons weet ook dat jy `n goeie span gehad het wat deurlopend die nodige rugsteun gegee het. So `n organisasie met `n begroting van paar miljoen, met die nodige borge, is nie enige man se passie nie!
Op `n meer persoonlike vlak wil ons ook dankie sê vir die geleentheid om deel te wees van die skou, veiling en al die ander aktiwiteite – ons het dit deeglik geniet!! Dankie, Sytze, vir al die noodsaaklike reelings wat jy spesifiek vir ons getref het – onder andere met veterinêre vereistes teen middernag (by aankoms) en in die oggend (om 06:00) by vertrek.
Vir jou, Llewellyn, wat al die nodige aanvoerwerk oor die afgelope jare vir die kongres in plek gesit het, ook baie dankie. Onder jou leiding het `n uitstekende Brahman Wêreldkongres met oor die 750 skoudiere plaasgevind. Geen ander ras sou dit kon regkry!
Ons vertrou dat ons nou bande verder gevestig sal word onder die vaandel van die Afrika Brahman Forum, insluitend alle ander lande in Suidelike Afrika, want hier lê in groot toekoms vir ons voor die deur.
Hartlike groete
Geagte Oom Llewellyn,
Ek het my lang vewagte Brahman Kongres Joernaal ontvang deur die “snail-post”, baie geluk aan u en die Brahman-genootskap wat hierdie joernaal bymekaar gesit het. Die “bench mark” is nou gestel vir almal om te volg, uitstekend uitgelê, radaksioneel uitstekend en goed ondersteuned deur julle lede.’n Joernaal waarop julle kan trots wees en mee kan spog by die gaste van die buiteland.
Ek,mede werkers en bestuur by Plaas Publishing wil u en die genootskap sterkte toewens vir die wêreld kongres en is trots om met die geleentheid geassosierd te wees. Sien uit om saam met julle te wees tydens die kongres.
Plaas Groete/Regards,
Tiny Smith
Hallo Karin,
Baie dankie vir die samevatting. Julle het werklik hard gewerk en ons het dit ook baie geniet. Baie dankie vir die lekker week.
Claus & Heidi Duvel
Paloma Brahman
Mr. Barnard
Jess Brown here from Mississippi, USA. Just wanted to Thank You and your family for the wonderful Hospitality and Brahman Fellowship while visiting South Africa! If Ya’ll are ever in the “Deep South” please stop by for a visit. Feel free to take a look at our Mayronne base Brahman cattle at:
May God Bless Each of You,
Jess Brown
Beste Karin
Baie dankie vir die inligting. Dis met trots en dankbaarheid dat ek gelees het van die ervarings van ons buitelandse gaste. Ek sluit 100% aan by die gelukwense aan Wessel en sy span. Ek wonder net waar het Jim Pola sy inligting gekry van arbeid wat teen $2.00 per dag werk. Ek is op soek na werkers wat teen daardie fooi werk. Karin, baie dankie aan jou en die administratiewe span se harde werk agter die skerms. Ons waardeer dit.
Met Brahmangroete
Wikus vd Merwe
Just a short note to tell you thanks for the wonderful job you and the entire South African group did with the Congress. It was perfect from the beginning to the end. From the accommodations, meals, programs, entertainment, cattle show and hospitality standpoint it was a flawless event. I know you and your group worked extremely hard to make this event positive and memorable for everyone and to that you were very successful. It was a trip that I will never forget and I am so glad that I was able to attend. I was very impressed with the quality of the cattle at the show and pleased we were able to see some cattle in the country. If you are ever in the United States I would love to show you around.
Thanks again for a great event,
Milton Charanza
The American Brahman Review
Broken Triangle Cattle
Hello Hesti, and Colin, Just a quick note to thank you again for everything you both did for us while in Africa. It certainly was a trip we will never forget, and the friends we made while there with you all was a big bonus for all of us. Thanks for all the hours and patience you and Colin put into making the trip enjoyable for us all and I bet Amelia is finally glad to have her parents back. Once again thank you for the most rewarding and enjoyable trip of a lifetime, and hope that when you come to Australia we can return the hospitality shown to us by all of you over there.
Regards Andrew and Roxanne Olive
Dear All
Thank you all for the incredible effort, diligence and wonderful spirit that you put into the BWC, both behind the scenes and at the Conference itself. I am truly grateful to you all and am very proud of you. I am convinced that no other Brahman or for that matter Stud Breeder organisation world over has the team that we have. You guys were great and excelled in every sphere. Well, well, well done.
Special regards.
Bill van Lelyveld
Beste Wessel, Andries, Riaan en Rohan
Graag wil ek net julle bedank vir die wonderlike geskenk wat ek ontvang het na die Wêreldkongres. Dit was rerig ‘n voorreg gewees om by die Wêreldkongres te kon wees en almal te kon sien en ontmoet. Dit was nou maar net iets wat vir lank by my sal bly en dit was werklik iets besonders om van deel te kon wees.
Met groot dank en groete
Dit was wonderlik om die res van die “team” te kon ontmoet en sommer net tyd te hê vir lekker gesels. Volpunte vir die kantoor met al die rëelings en dinge. Julle het julle knap gedra en is ‘n plesier om mee saam te werk.
Do Maré
Aan: Personeel Brahman Beestelersgenootskap van SA
Baie dankie vir julle vriendelikheid met die Wêreldkongres.
Hannetjie Loots
Wessel en Marita.
Hiermee wil ek net graag dankie se vir die lekker saam werk en die geselsies. Baie geluk met n puik geleentheid. NS: Ek hoop die stemme is terug.
Vriendelike groete,
Ilana Joubert, BKB
Busy recovering! Net ’n kort nota van gelukwensing vir “jou” kongres. Jy doen dinge professioneel en is derhalwe suksesvol. Kom kuier hier in die fantastiese Overberg – belowe.
Peter + Diana Massmann
Dear Wessel,
THANK-YOU for a fantastic congress. Truly a fantastic achievement for the South African Brahman, and to you personally and your organising committee. All your organisation and work was greatly appreciated. My apologies for not seeing you personally to say thanks. Wonderful cattle and great people/ friends. A hard act to follow!! Good luck to the Aussies!
Neville Pinkney
Hi Karin,
Baie dankie vir al jou harde werk en vriendelikheid tydens al die reelings so ook vir die res van die personeel! Dit was fantasies!
Goeie dag President, Raadslede en Wêreldkongres Komitee
Baie geluk met ʼn uitstekende wêreldklas kongres. Dankie vir almal se bystand en ondersteuning, asook die vriendelike manier waarop u ons as personeel behandel het. Dis is ʼn voorreg en eer om deel te kon wees van die suksesvolle kongres. Soos wat ek die Australiërs onder mekaar hoor sê het, hulle sal moet uithaal om aan dieselfde standaarde te voldoen. Nogmaals dankie vir die geskenkie en mooi woorde.
Beste Karin
Baie dankie vir die skrywe en ook vir jou bydrae die afgelope 18 maande, sonder almal se samewerking sou dit nie moontlik kon wees om die Wêreldkongres te kon aanbied. Dit lyk of jy rekords gebreek het met die verkoop van promosie artikels
Baie groete
Beste Ben
Namens die kongreskomitee baie dankie vir die skrywe. Dit was vir ons ‘n voorreg en grootse ondervinding om leiding te kon neem met die aanbieding van die Brahman Wêreldkongres. Nogmaals dankie vir jou insette en betrokkenheid
Beste groete
Wessel Hattingh
Beste Wessel, Andries, Riaan en Rohan
Hierdie was my 2de Wêreldkongres wat ek bygewoon het en hierdie een was uitstaande. Ons het goed gevoel om elke dag met ons Brahman hemde daar te wees en met julle ge-assosieer te word. Baie dankie vir die wonderlike geskenk wat ek ontvang het – dit is werklik ‘n eerste keer in die 30 jaar by die genootskap wat ek ‘n persoonlik gekenk ontvang het. Dit is die ou klein dingetjies wat mens altyd sal bybly. Baie dankie aan almal wat dit so groot sukses gemaak het.