Why is Performance Recording so important

Why is Performance Recording so important? To identify animals carrying the genetics needed to supply a specific product to our various markets. In order to find these animals, we need to know the genetic merit of each animal. EBVs (Estimated Breeding Values) are expressions of this genetic merit for each trait of an animal.

Hoekom is Prestasietoetsing so belangrik? Om die diere te identifiseer volgens hulle genetiese samestelling, sodat spesifieke produkte aan die verskillende markte voorsien kan word. Om dus hierdie diere te kan identifiseer, moet ons weet wat die genetiese samestelling van elkeen is. BTWs (Beraamde Teelwaardes of Estimated Breeding Values) is die uitdrukking van genetiese meriete vir elke eienskap van ‘n dier.